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Ash tree partially blocking pavement

Reported via mobile in the Ash Tree located on Highway land category anonymously at 17:54, Wednesday 16 October 2024

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6623988.

Large Ash tree, trunk & roots are partially blocking pavement, reducing it's width, causing push-chairs etc to use the road. It's also possible that it may be suffering from Ash die-back, but I wouldn't know !

Note:- The damaged grit bin, is scheduled for replacement (agreed with GCC Highways & Gretton PC). This will need to be pushed back, off the footpath, well into the hedge - to maintain the footpath width. The adjacent homeowner is happy with this. This is not particularly urgent, but it would be good to see it done. Thanks Geoff Hanson Gretton Parish Council.

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