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A pothole in road problem

Reported via Open311 in the A pothole in road category by Gloucestershire County Council at 10:23, Tuesday 17 September 2024

FixMyStreet ref: 6537753.

To whom it may concern
I would like to report numerous potholes on the entrance to salterley grange, Leckhampton hill, cheltenham GL53 9QW. It is the sections on the entrance which highways are responsible for maintaining. So where the turn off from Leckhampton Road is to the stone pillars.
This stretch has got worse recently due to the Leckhampton road closure since August for realignment of roundabouts at the air balloon. The rapid deterioration is due to HGV, buses, cars and even car transporters ignoring the road closed sign and using the bottom highways owned section as a turning area.
I would be grateful if someone would inform me of receipt of this email.
Many thanks Hayley Scriven 07855 344 598

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  • This pothole report has now been passed to the Safety Inspection Team for assessment.

    A safety inspector will make an assessment of the work needed and they will consider a number of factors, including the flow of traffic and the size of the pothole.

    If repair work is required, the pothole will either be classed as urgent or will be put into a planned programme of works to ensure it is repaired as efficiently as possible. We aim to complete the repair work within 28 days.

    In some cases a temporary repair will be needed, to make the area safe, then engineers will return to make a permanent repair.

    An update on the outcome of the safety inspection will be provided.

    On our website you can read about five key actions we’re taking to strengthen the county’s roads by visiting

    Thank you,
    Highways Customer Services Team,
    Gloucestershire Highways

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Gloucestershire County Council at 12:01, Tuesday