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Traffic light not giving enough time

Reported via mobile in the Green or amber traffic light is not working category anonymously at 07:49, Monday 9 September 2024

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6451029.

Last week we witnessed a road rage incident at these lights because it appeared someone must have gone through a red. Last night I arrived at the lights at the station end. They were red. I stopped and waited until they changed to green. I then immediately proceed. As I approached the light at the other end I was met by car starting to proceed through whatvwas obviously a green light. There is clearly an issue with these lights as there was definitely not enough time to get through before they changed to green on the other side. This is likely to cause an accident!

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  • This enquiry has been addressed, no further updates will be shared here. If you are the original reporter you should have received a seperate communication with more detail.

    On our website you can find out about planned work to maintain and improve Gloucestershire's streets by visiting

    Thank you,
    Highways Customer Services Team,
    Gloucestershire Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Gloucestershire County Council at 08:46, Wednesday 18 September 2024

If the issue is still ongoing, you can make a new report in the same location.