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Ash die back

Reported via mobile in the Ash Tree located on private land category anonymously at 16:04, Wednesday 4 September 2024

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6436368.

I have a very small shallow stream at the bottom of a bank by my garden. It’s called the a river Twyvern. It’s not a river now it’s just a stream. The tree grows on the bank and it’s roots are in the stream and my garden. It has die back and I’m terrified it could fall. Next door had the same problem as the tree had caused subsidence for a neighbouring property. This tree has lots of die back and isn’t safe as it’s so close to the stream with its root system. Please can you help me with this. Thank you.

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  • State changed to: Closed

    Updated by Gloucestershire County Council at 16:58, Tuesday

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