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Light sensor is not detecting vehicles problem

Reported via Open311 in the Light sensor is not detecting vehicles category by Gloucestershire County Council at 10:01, Friday 30 August 2024

FixMyStreet ref: 6416053.

29/08/24 email rcvd ::: Hello

While Manor Road is closed to traffic, congestion in the Kingsditch area has become close to gridlock at some times of day. The main access to the Gallagher retail park and the Sainsbury's supermarket there is via the filters at the traffic lights at Hayden Lane. Very long queues are developing for these filters, and the length of those phases clearly need to be increased to ease the impact on an already badly congested area. Can you please look at making this change asap, as it seems unlikely that the roadworks will be completed in the foreseeably future.


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  • This enquiry has been addressed, no further updates will be shared here. If you are the original reporter you should have received a seperate communication with more detail.

    On our website you can find out about planned work to maintain and improve Gloucestershire's streets by visiting

    Thank you,
    Highways Customer Services Team,
    Gloucestershire Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Gloucestershire County Council at 08:34, Thursday 12 September 2024

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