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Obstruction caused by wall/building problem

Reported in the Obstruction caused by wall/building category by Gloucestershire County Council at 13:08, Friday 22 March 2024

FixMyStreet ref: 5763522.

email rec 08/03/2024 -
Hi I would like to report four footpaths all in the same area which cannot be used. The are on ordinance survey map OS179 around map references 97.4/26.6 and 97.3/26.5
They are on what used to be the Mushroom Farm on New Road between Bishops Cleeve and Southam, near Haymes Farm. One of them goes all the way to Southam. They are digging out huge quantities of earth and loading onto a lorry. The footpaths are completely impassable just mud and ruts everywhere. Also the one that goes down the lane to New Road has a locked gate across it. There are no notices up to explain what’s going on.

I would be obliged if you could look into this
Thank you
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  • State changed to: Closed

    Updated by Gloucestershire County Council at 11:36, Thursday 7 November 2024

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