Bridge is damaged/missing problem
Reported via Open311 in the Bridge is damaged/missing category by Gloucestershire County Council at 11:51, Mon 9 October 2023
FixMyStreet ref: 5089536.
Gen Enq rcvd 07.10.23 - Hello Are you aware of the broken footbridge at Whaddon - opposite the site of Wynstones School - which takes you over a stagnant ditch and a walk across fields to the Gloucester Services? The wooden bridge is made of plank-width treads and the second one in, on the Pound Farm-side, was soft but yesterday it was actually broken. For anyone coming from the farm side, they may put their foot straight down through the hole and it’s a deep fall from there. Now the third tread has begun to split. It really is very dangerous. (I have a photograph of the bridge for identification if you’d like it!) When our dog comes over it she leaps over the low-level bar and lands on the bridge. Yesterday, I had to carry her to prevent her from falling down the hole into the ditchwater. Please could it be fixed asap please?
Thank you for your report, it has been assigned to our Public Rights of Way team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Gloucestershire County Council at 11:00, Thu 12 October 2023
State changed to: Open
Updated by Gloucestershire County Council at 14:48, Fri 13 October 2023
Thank you for your report, it has been assigned to our Public Rights of Way team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Gloucestershire County Council at 11:38, Mon 16 October 2023
State changed to: Open
Updated by Gloucestershire County Council at 09:45, Wednesday 20 March 2024
This report has now been passed to the Highways team for assessment.
If repair work is required, it will either be classed as urgent or will be put into a planned programme of works to ensure it is repaired as efficiently as possible.
In some cases a temporary repair will be needed, to make the area safe, then engineers will return to make a permanent repair.
An update on the issue will be provided.
On our website you can find out about planned work to maintain and improve Gloucestershire's streets by visiting
Thank you,
Highways Customer Services Team,
Gloucestershire HighwaysState changed to: Investigating
Posted by Gloucestershire County Council at 16:13, Tuesday
State changed to: Open
Updated by Gloucestershire County Council at 13:05, Wednesday